The Health Benefits Of Good Sleep

Better sleep: Why it's important for your health and tips to sleep soundly

Getting a good night’s sleep and proper rest is important for all of us. A big part of promoting good sleep, alongside healthy sleep routines and other personal habits, is to sleep on the best mattress possible. A pressure relieving mattress or a medical foam mattress are examples of mattresses that promote good sleep, and over time this has a great benefit on your overall health as you sleep better and consistently.

Let’s look at the benefits of good sleep:

Improve your concentration

Good sleep helps you to maintain good levels of energy. This helps you to stay focused and to maintain concentration during the day, whether you are working or relaxing. Bad sleep prevents enough rest to recharge your batteries, and this leads to your body and brain failing to function at 100% capacity.

Stay heart healthy

Consistent sleep helps to reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure, diabetes, coronary heart disease, and from suffering a stroke. During sleep, your heart rate and blood pressure drop, and this gives your heart time to rest and recover from the stresses of the day. 

Maintain a strong immune system

In a similar way, the longer you sleep, the more rest your body gets and the better chance your immune system has to rest and repair. Your immune system is vital to fighting off infection and illness, so it is important that you give your body the time to maintain strong defences. Good sleep is a great way to do this.

Have a clear mind

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Sleeping well and consistently helps to bring a positive mental health condition to you. Improving your sleep boosts your mood and helps everything to seem better and brighter the next day. Poor sleep can lead to further mental health problems, as you worry and struggle to get to sleep. It can become a vicious cycle.

Provides comfort for long-term sickness and injury

If you require assistance and spend a lot of time in bed due to illness, injury, or disability, a good mattress provides you with the optimal levels of weight distribution that reduces the risk of pressure ulcers and sores, helps with spine alignments and provides great levels of comfort for time in bed whether awake or asleep. 

Once you can see how important good sleep is to your health, the next step is to figure out how you can get to that stage of consistently sleeping well. There are obvious things you can do, like having a sleep routine where you switch off your devices and unwind for half an hour to an hour before you sleep every night, sticking to the same sleep times wherever you can, and choosing the right type of mattress for your bed. A good mattress is often seen in contract bedding provisions for hotels, hospitals, and other settings with multiple beds and myriad personal needs, but you can also find a great pressure relieving mattress for domestic use too.